What To Expect

What To Expect

We understand that your first few times at church, or your first few times in a long time, can be quite unsettling. That’s why we’re here!

Our regulars and staff love to welcome new people to church and they will meet you at the door to make you feel welcome, along with a barista-made coffee. They generally hand over a leaflet to give you an idea of the order of the gathering, information about our kids programs, weekly prayer points and a response slip.

If you are new or visiting, or would like to leave your feedback, we’d love you to fill out the tear off response card, attached to the leaflet so that our staff and leadership team can get in touch with you.

Click here for more details about our Sunday morning gatherings.

We like to begin our worship with a few songs to prepare our hearts and minds for hearing God’s Word. To include the children as part of the gathering, we have a creative kids’ talk, followed by a a fun song for kids leading up to the children’s programs, which cater for children from age 0 to Year 6, in separate rooms. Birthdays are also celebrated up the front with the band and the congregation.

We completely understand that some days can be hard for families with young kids. That’s why we also have a space where parents can stay with an unsettled child, yet still be a part of the gathering.

During the time when the kids get to go out to their programs, we generally have a time of meeting and greeting people, followed by the key church announcements. This is usually followed by having the Bible read to us and a short time of prayer before we dwell on God’s Word. We focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the salvation we receive through Him. During the sermon you can ask questions through our SMS line, which will be answered by our preacher at the end of the gathering. You can also ask the preacher in person after the conclusion of the gathering.

We like to follow this with a further time of prayer, which includes confession and praying for our church and community, before we sing more songs and end the gathering. Once a month we remember Christ’s sacrifice for our sins as we break bread and share wine. If you prefer to take your time to get used to our practices we completely understand and will support you through your journey of faith.

Everyone is welcome.