This enrichment course is aimed at Christian couples who want to strengthen their marriage as they follow Christ together. We recommend you’ve been married at least two years before you do this course.
Over a consecutive Friday night and all day Saturday, the course focusses on:
- revisiting the Christian foundations of marriage;
- encouraging healthy communication and conflict resolution skills;
- growing in affection and intimacy; and
- looking forward to the future together.
Includes an individual couple assessment using relationship tool Prepare-Enrich with personalised feedback for your marriage.
The Friday night runs from 7:30pm-9pm and Saturday is 9:30am-4pm, at Trinity City. Numbers are limited for each course. The weekend is hosted by Geoff and Wendy, Marriage Works Co-ordinators.
Cost: $125 per couple
Please contact to register. There are limited spaces, so book early to avoid missing out!